Riley Gaines

12x All American Swimmer
Riley Gaines is a recent graduate from the University of Kentucky where she was a 12x NCAA All-American swimmer. Last year, Riley competed and tied with transgender swimmer Lia Thomas at their NCAA championships. Since directly experiencing the injustice of allowing men in women’s sports, Riley has been outspoken on why this issue is blatantly unfair and harmful to females in so many ways.

Coach Joe Kennedy

Supreme Court Ruled In Favor Of Prayer
Coach Joe Kennedy, the Marine-turned-football coach made a commitment to God that he would give thanks at the conclusion of each game for what the players had accomplished and for the opportunity to be part of their lives through football. This was met with disapproval from his school district and turned into a lengthy court battle. On June 27, 2022, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Coach Kennedy and his First Amendment right and on March 8, 2023, Coach Kennedy was officially reinstated as assistant coach and is excited to be back with his team. 

Lois K Kolkhorst

Texas Senator
Senator Kolkhorst is known for achieving significant public policy changes that impact the lives of every Texan, such as lowering the price cap for insulin, increasing homestead property tax exemptions, and enacting constitutional protections for patient visitation rights during a pandemic.

Trevor Loudon

Author, Film Maker, Speaker
Trevor Loudon is an author, filmmaker and public speaker from Christchurch, New Zealand. For more than 30 years, he has researched radical left, Marxist and terrorist movements and their covert influence on mainstream politics. Trevor Loudon believes that these forces must be exposed and countered, as America’s continued role as a bastion of freedom is pivotal for the future of western civilization.

Mandy Drogin

Education Reform Leader
Mandy Drogin is one of the top education reform leaders in Texas with experience managing grassroots, marketing, election and legislative campaigns. Prior to joining TPPF she was at the American Federation for Children for nearly 8 years where she served as the State Director for the past 3 years and helped make important gains in Texas. She has a talent for organizing complex coalitions and factions, motivating people, understanding and communicating policy, image and branding, and running campaign teams.

Dr. David Klingler

ThM PhD. Teach Me The Bible
David received both his ThM. (2004) in Bible Exposition and his PhD (2010) in Old Testament Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS). Currently, David is a professor at DTS in the Bible Exposition Department. Since 2004, David has taught Bible as well as the biblical languages (Greek and Hebrew) at Dallas Theological Seminary, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Word of Life Hungary, and the College of Biblical Studies in Houston. As well as being a faculty member in the Bible Exposition Department at DTS, David is also the PhD. Coordinator for the Bible Exposition program.

Pastor Paul Blair

Liberty Pastors
Blair grew up in Edmond, Oklahoma, dreamed of playing football for Oklahoma State University, and eventually went on to play professionally. Despite his success, he allowed his peers to influence him away from his faith.
Blair emphasizes that Christianity is about a restored relationship with God through Jesus Christ, who lived a sinless life, died for humanity's sins, and rose again. Accepting Jesus as Savior offers the gift of eternal life.

Dran Reese

Salt & Light Council
Dran Reese is Founder and President of two separate 501(c)(3) non-profits: Its flagship ministry is The Salt & Light Council™. It includes the following initiatives: PastorTownHall™, and Biblical Voter™. The other non-profit is Public-School Exit™.
Dran is completely sold out to Jesus Christ—to see His name exalted in the public square and government.  She speaks nationally on our roles and responsibilities as Biblical Citizens.

Meagan Butler

Meagan experienced her first encounter with God when she was five years old. She felt a prompting to ask Jesus to be her Good Shepherd and has been following Him ever since. God has guided her through many highs and lows in her life: a high being her call to ministry and one of the lows involving spiritual burnout. Over the past ten years, Meagan has dedicated her time to growing in academic knowledge of theology, bibliology, hermeneutics, and counseling, while also tending to her spiritual and mental health. Meagan is passionate about guiding others into a balanced experience of the physical and spiritual life. 

Colby Wiltse

Citizens Defending Freedom
Colby Wiltse is the Texas State Director of CDF-USA (Citizens Defending Freedom). Born and raised in South Texas, Colby grew up and was taught to hunt, fish and to have a deep appreciation for American freedom because all the men in his family line that served in our nation’s military. He graduated from Texas A&M University Corpus Christi with a bachelor’s in business administration. Colby stepped away from a decade long career in the Oil & Gas Industry as a Coil Tubing Engineer to join Citizens Defending Freedom because he felt called by God to stand for and preserve our nation’s founding principles for future generations. He has been a faithful member and leader in his home church for the past 16 years. Colby currently resides in Corpus Christi, TX. with his family.

Art Medina

Life Change In Prison Film 
By the time he was 15 years old, Arthur Medina was a runaway living on the streets in Texas. It wasn’t long before he turned to crime just to survive. When a carjacking attempt left someone dead, 17-year-old Art was sentenced to life in prison. “I felt my life was over,” he says. One day while in prison, a prosecutor challenged him with a simple question: “Do you believe in God?” Art found himself at a crossroads and had to decide if he wanted to continue down the path of destruction or the path of deliverance. Art chose God’s way. In 2011, he was released from prison. 

Darren Shearer

Business Coach
Darren Shearer is the founder and director of the Theology of Business Institute, which guides marketplace Christians in applying God's will for business. He has written three books for business minded Christians and is founder & CEO of High Bridge Books & Media, which helps Christ-centered authors and organizations craft, publish, and market messages and stories that glorify God in all spheres of culture.  Since 2013, High Bridge Books has published over 190 titles. A former Captain in the U.S. Air Force, Darren received the Air Force Commendation Medal for his service in Kuwait during Operation Iraqi Freedom. He holds a M.A. in Practical Theology from Regent University, an Advanced Graduate Certificate in Management from Pace University, and a B.A. in English from Charleston Southern University.

Kayla Toney

Kayla Toney is Associate Counsel at First Liberty Institute, focusing on religious liberty and First Amendment rights for clients of all faiths. Previously, she litigated religious freedom cases as a Constitutional Law Fellow at the Becket Fund and clerked for Judge Gregory E. Maggs on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces. Kayla also worked as a litigation associate at Winston & Strawn LLP, handling pro bono religious liberty cases.
She earned her law degree from George Washington University, where she was president of the Federalist Society and a member of the GW International Law Review. Kayla graduated summa cum laude from Grove City College with a degree in history and economics.

Stephen Broden

Pastor Stephen Broden is a businessman, political commentator, former professor, and pro-life activist. He advocates for economic opportunity, education access, and is a spokesperson for the black pro-life movement in Dallas. He is involved with the Tea Party and promotes a return to constitutional principles and Judeo-Christian values. 

Brad Stine

Brad Stine is on a mission – to free us all from the chains of political correctness and prevent our eventual ‘wussification.’ 
“You know what offends me?....Offended people,” says Stine. A staunch supporter of first amendment rights and foe of political correctness, Stine asserts that rights should be universally applied.
Fear not, true believers – with his brand new album, Brad Stine is here to save the world from WUSSIFICATION – one politically-correct, offended person at a time!