Being An Example Of God's Love

This blog post goes along with Episode 01 of our Texas Leadership Summit Podcast
Deanna Kenisell, Director at Texas Leadership Summit
Tim Webb, Founder & Board Member at Texas Leadership Summit

As a Christian leader, embodying God's love is at the heart of your role. Being an example of God's love means living a life that reflects the compassion, kindness, and forgiveness demonstrated by Jesus Christ. It involves treating others with respect, showing empathy, and helping those in need. By consistently practicing love and humility in your interactions, you inspire and guide others on their spiritual journey. As you lead with a servant's heart, your actions become a testimony to the transformative power of God's love, fostering a community where faith, grace, and love flourish.

In this episode, we share how people have hijacked and redefined love to fit their selfish needs, the love of God as written in His word, and the sacrificial love that all Christian leaders should have on their journey of being examples of God’s love. We also talk about the post-Christianity culture in the Church today and how Christian leaders can spread the love of God to non-believers. Tune in to learn more!

[01:26] How the world has hijacked and redefined love
[02:42] Defining love as written in God’s word
[08:00] The sacrificial love of God
[10:00] The post-Christianity culture in the Church today
[12:36] Spreading love to non-believers

Notable quotes:
[00:51] “As a God lead leader, whether in business, education, government, or church, we always want to be examples of God’s love.”
[02:34] “We have to be very careful that we define love the way it is written in His word and that is sacrificial love.”
[13:24] “When you find yourself suffering for what is good, not only do you find favor with the lord, but it also opens another opportunity for people to ask themselves questions.”

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