Affiliates of Texas Leadership Summit

Below is a list of affiliates and partner organizations doing fantastic work.
Each affiliate is categorized by one of our four pillars.
Click any "Pillar" button to view affiliates.

Church Pillar Affiliates

Teach Me The Bible

Salt & Light Council


Liberty Pastors

Recover America

Patriot Academy

Biblical Voter

Liberty Pastors

Remnant Alliance

My Faith Votes

Texas Alliance For Life

Brenham Pregnancy Center

Business Pillar Affiliates

Leadership Institute

Faith Driven Entrepreneur

The Theology of Business Institute

Toolbox Ministries

Government Pillar Affiliates

Recover America

Patriot Academy

Salt & Light Council

Texas Public Policy Foundation

Biblical Voter

Hispanic Action Network

Texas Conservative Coalition Research Institute

My Faith Votes

Texas Alliance For Life

Education Pillar Affiliates

Texas Public Policy Foundation

Moms for America

Public School Exit

Texas Youth Summit

Lifewise Academy

Her Voice Movement


Legal Affiliates

Alliance Defending Freedom

Citizens Defending Freedom

Judicial Watch

Liberty Council