Unity Under Christ: Strategies for Effective Leadership and Balancing Faith With Outreach To Non-Bel

Aug 6, 2024    Tim Webb, Deanna Kenisell

What does true unity among Christians look like in today's chaotic world? Our founder, Tim Webb, tackles this question with insights drawn from Apostle Paul's teachings in Ephesians chapter 4. We discuss the pivotal roles apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers, and pastors play in fortifying the body of Christ. Tim underscores the necessity of submitting to Christ's lordship as the cornerstone for genuine unity, binding believers together through the Spirit. 

This episode also confronts the alarming reality of child sex trafficking, emphasizing that 79,000 children were trafficked in Texas alone. We highlight the crucial need for church and community collaboration to protect vulnerable children and bolster recovery resources. Tim shares practical solutions and leadership strategies, stressing the importance of teamwork and tenacity in executing plans. Learn how we can unite as a community to combat this critical issue effectively.

Lastly, we address the challenge of maintaining unity among Christians while engaging with non-believers. Referencing Peter’s and Paul’s teachings, we discuss the importance of love, openness, and leading by example to attract others to Christ. We also announce our upcoming Summit, designed to guide attendees in becoming the Christian leaders they are called to be. Don’t miss this inspiring conversation with Tim Webb on unity under Christ and effective Christian leadership.