The What And The Why Behind Texas Leadership Summit

This blog post goes along with Episode 01 of our Texas Leadership Summit Podcast
Deanna Kenisell, Director at Texas Leadership Summit
Tim Webb, Founder & Board Member at Texas Leadership Summi


Welcome, friends! We’re issuing a call to action for people of faith in this inaugural podcast outing for the Texas Leadership Summit podcast. Find out about exciting plans for 2024! Co-hosts Deanna Kenisell, Director at TLS, and the organization’s founder, Tim Webb, are sharing the biblically-based vision and community commitment that animates their mission. You’ll also learn about the “Four Pillars” and how they are foundational to TLS’s framework for transformational leadership. Standing up and speaking out can be lonely, even scary, which is why the Texas Leadership Summit is all about empowering “right thinking, right response” at every level of society, from serving on the local PTA to the highest reaches of federal government. We are here to provide support, uniting people of faith and shining light on a path forward for all those who are “fed up with being fed up.” Join us on the journey!

Click here to keep up with our hosts and listen to upcoming episodes of the Texas Leadership Summit. You can also check out our archive of articles at this link or make a contribution to our mission here.

Feeling inspired to study and learn more? We’d like to point you towards “Teach Me the Bible,” a podcast that will walk you through it, step by step. Here's a link to this tremendous resource!


•[01:10] Origin Story: Tim recalls the roots of TLS, whose mission was inspired by (and aspires to reinforce) the vision and leadership on which Texas was founded.
•[04:12] Faith in Action: Why “right thinking brings the right response” and the Four Pillars that are foundational to fully functional business, government, church and education.
•[04:50] Fed Up With Being Fed Up: How TLS empowers us to stand for our faith.
•[05:15] Identifying Leaders: About discovering and nurturing the ability we all have – even at the local level – to affect change and communicate faith.
•[06:10] Understanding the Purpose Behind the Four Pillars:
Government: To protect life, reward those who do good and punish evil-doers. Goal: To elect leaders who bring those values to the forefront.
Education: To give life, revealing God’s words and biblical concepts through teaching. Goal: Promote learning and growing in understanding.
Business: To steward life, using our hands to work, provide and care for ourselves. Goal: Build community to advance the kingdom of God.
Church: To sustain life, providing the platform for people of faith to evangelize, promote Godly values and engage with the world in which we live. Goal: Change!
•[12:00] Growing in Community: How TLS has helped create connection among business leaders, educators, families and faith communities, including 13 churches.
•[18:20] What’s Upcoming: Join us to hear from organizations that have been taking a stand and working within the TLS framework and tools to ensure “right thinking, right response.”


•“A lot our principles come out of our understanding of God’s word. It’s always been something we wanted to pour into Christian leadership because we believe that right thinking brings the right response.” (Tim)

•“We’re looking at how we can encourage everyday leaders with courage, tools and hope to stand for their faith and the pillars that they live and move in.” (Tim)

•“We know that failed leadership costs lives and we want to be about saving life.” (Tim)

•“The more you learn the more you grow and the more you’re equipped to interact in this life that God has given us.” (Tim)

•“(Leadership) can be on a small scale or it can be on a large scale … We want to bring people together and help direct and encourage them.” (Deanna)

•“If we can equip people at the local level, county by county, we can impact our entire state – if people can learn how to come together. We know that the whole country is looking at Texas.” (Tim)

•“There is a silent majority of people that’s just looking for people to lead them and they will engage.” (Tim)

•“There’s comfort in numbers. When we see other people stepping out in faith and getting out of their comfort zone, then it’ll be exciting to see what happens.” (Deanna)

Texas Leadership Summit (TLS) stands for faith which provides freedom in the Pillars of Church: Education, Government and Business. We refer to these pillars as the “Focus Four” and stand in unity against those who wish to remove faith as the foundation of our nation.


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