Faith in Business: A Godly Approach To Company Culture and Leadership

This blog post goes along with Episode 10 of our Texas Leadership Summit Podcast
Deanna Kenisell, Director at Texas Leadership Summit
Tim Webb, Founder & Board Member at Texas Leadership Summit

In today's competitive business world, integrating faith with work can transform company culture and leadership. By building Christian values in our businesses, we create environments where integrity, honesty, and compassion thrive. As leaders, we can inspire our employees to uphold these values, fostering a workplace that reflects the love and principles of Christ. This approach not only enhances ethical decision-making and promotes a positive work culture but also aligns our business practices with our faith, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and impactful professional journey.

In this episode, I am joined by Tim Webb, the Founder and Lead Pastor of Champion Fellowship Church in Brenham, TX., to discuss the importance of the business pillar as one of the four pillars of the Texas Leadership Summit.  He talks about how the business pillar stewards life, the disconnection between the church and businesses, and the importance of using one’s resources for the glory of God. Tim also talks about how we can present solutions within our communities driven by the word of God and how spiritual leaders can influence employees to inquire about God. Tune in to learn more!

[00:36] How the business pillar stewards life
[02:31] The disconnection between the church and business
[04:15] Using one’s resources for the glory of God
[07:31] The real meaning of stewardship
[10:18] Strengthening Christian values in our businesses
[12:44] Actions that business leaders can take to strengthen their religious beliefs
[15:00] Presenting solutions in our community using the word of God
 [21:27] How spiritual leaders can influence their employees
[24:27] Tim’s closing wrap-up urge to listeners

Notable quotes:
Colossians 3:23 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.”
1 Peter 4:10 “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.” Stewardship involves managing one's gifts and resources responsibly and selflessly, serving others, and honoring God.

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